Our Products > Health & Nutrition > Nn Certified Organic Spirulina
Enjoy More Vibrant Health
Thanks to This Remarkable Nutrient Powerhouse
Nn Certified Organic Spirulina is made wholly from premium, certified organic spirulina from Parry Nutraceuticals Ltd., a distinguished manufacturer that specializes in organic spirulina cultivation and is actively involved in spirulina research around the world. Parry´s is the only spirulina to be awarded the prestigious USP Grade.
100% natural, without fillers, binders or chemical additives for greater absorption and better nutrient assimilation.
Spirulina contains the most remarkable concentration of nutrients known in any food, plant, grain or herb.
It has more than 100 nutrients (including 49 essentials ones) and a wide array of vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, organic minerals, amino acids, enzymes, antioxidants (including SOD), phytonutrients and carotenoids.
