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Good Water for Health & Longevity
Is the Water You're Drinking Dead or Alive?
Special Properties of Living Water
Hexagon Brings You the Goodness of Pure Living Water
Advanced 6-Cartridge System Experience the Hexagon Difference
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You could live for weeks without food, but without water you would dehydrate and die within days. A mere 2% loss of the water surrounding your cells can cause a 20% decrease in your energy levels.

The Human Body is 70% Water
Brain 74% | Muscles 75% | Blood 82% | Bones 22% | Teeth 5% | Liver 69% | Kidneys 82%

Water is Crucial for All Bodily Functions
Water hydrates and irrigates our trillions of cells and is essential for over 90% of the biological and chemical processes that take place in our bodies. Without water, blood would not flow, oxygen and nutrients would not be transported, waste would not be eliminated, and most of our organs and bodily processes would not function.

Cells are Immortal
According to Nobel Prize Winner, Dr Alexis Carrel, cells do not have to degenerate or die.
It is the fluid surrounding the cells that degenerates. If you renew that fluid regularly, the pulsation of life can go on forever.

Water is Necessary for Flushing Toxins & Waste from the Body
Today we have pesticides and herbicides in our fruits and vegetables; heavy metals in our fish; antibiotics and growth hormones in our meat products; and additives, preservatives and artificial colorings in our processed foods and drinks. Many degenerative diseases have been attributed to the chemicals and carcinogens found in our water, air and food. Water is the best defense against toxicity in the body because it flushes out poisonous waste, but you have to drink pure, healthy water, or it will only add to the problem.

Water Prevents Dehydration, Degeneration & Disease
The average newborn is 90% hydrated, but the average 65-year-old is only 55% hydrated! All of the symptoms of aging are accompanied by a slow dehydration of cells. The first signs of dehydration are headaches, insomnia, fatigue, and lack of mental alertness.

Many doctors now believe that dehydration is the root cause of all kinds of ailments, from acne and indigestion, to arthritis and obesity, to more serious conditions such as heart problems, hypertension and even cancer.

The link between dehydration, degeneration, and disease has led researchers to do in-depth studies of the functions and properties of water.
“What doctors label as disease is 'deep dehydration'.” - F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

Scientists have discovered that natural, healthy living water has several vital properties—including a certain molecular shape and pH balance which are necessary to properly hydrate our cells and support life functions.

Secret to a Healthy Long Life

In the early 1900's, Austrian naturalist and scientist Victor Schauberger coined the term "living water" after he discovered that natural hexagonal, snowflake-like water clusters are found in healing waters around the world, and that this geometrical structure is what gives the water its healing properties.

Some of the most famous healing springs are the Lourdes, Vichy, Evian and Perrier in France; Fiuggi and San Pellegrino in Italy; Passugger Heilguellen in Switzerland; and Agua da Prata in Brazil. Their remarkable effects on heart, liver and kidney ailments, skin diseases, asthma, digestive disorders, arthritis and many other illnesses are medically documented.

In pristine places called “longevity villages”, people live to the age of 100 and beyond in remarkably good health. A Soviet study on one of these villages determined that the one factor responsible for this remarkable health and longevity was the healthy living water they drink which naturally has life-giving properties and forms small hexagonal crystals.




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