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Think Organics, Think Country Farm!

Get a Wide Range of Certified Organic Products at Unbeatable Prices!

Thanks to Cosway´s collaboration with Country Farm Organics (CFO), we have expanded our product offering to also include popular organic products at unbeatable prices.

Managed by Cosway, CFO outlets carry a wide range of organic and natural products such as fresh vegetables, fruits, food, skincare, household products and healthcare supplements. If you haven´t visited our CFO stores yet, we invite you to check out your nearest CFO store this weekend! You can also enjoy your eCosway member benefits at these stores!

Click here for CFO store details.

Health Bestsellers

Radiant Health

Enjoy great health, vigor and vitality with this range of supplements that will surely help put that bounce in your steps!
More online

Nn Total Nutrition
(20g x 25 sachets)

Price: US $35.70
eV: 18.0

Nn Supa EPA
(50 softgels x 1000mg)

Price: US $12.90
eV: 6.0

Nn Allimax® Garlic Extract
(30 vegetarian capsules)

Price: US $13.70
eV: 4.0

Nn E Trienol
(30 Liqfil™ vegetarian capsules)

Price: US $13.70
eV: 6.8

Oriyen Bio N-Zymes™

Price: US $25.20
eV: 12.9

Yaeyama Chlorella
(150 tablets x 200mg )

Price: US $10.00
eV: 5.10


These items can also be purchased OFFLINE. Click here for store locations.

Australia  |  Brunei  |  Hong Kong  |  Indonesia  |  Japan  |  Korea  |  Malaysia  |  New Zealand  |  Singapore  |  
  |  Thailand  |  United Kingdom  |  United States


Training Programs on the eCosway Opportunity, Malaysia

Please click HERE for the latest training schedule. Do note that training programs listed are correct as at the time of this broadcast and are subject to change.

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eCosway Support Group on Yahoo!

Stephanie Davis is moderating a Yahoo newsgroup to support eCosway Business Owners in their business building efforts. You can join this group and ask questions or start sharing tips by clicking here.


by Ms. Stephanie Davis

The Magic of Believing

Things generally happen in the mind before they happen in the world. The more you think and believe something, the more likely it is to happen for you. This has two lessons in it. First of all, it’s important to STOP believing anything that will limit you or cause you to fail in life. Secondly, it’s important to develop beliefs that will propel you to success. One of the easiest ways to do this is to create a short list of affirmations that "claim" life as you want it to be. In his book, The Magic of Believing, Claude Bristol reminds us that, " It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. Once a belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen."

Sample affirmations:
I become wealthier every day
I attract wonderful, honest, cooperative people into my life and business.
I experience abundance and prosperity in all aspects of my life
My income is always increasing - whether I am working, sleeping or playing
Large sums of money come to me quickly & easily for the highest good of all
Every day in a wonderful way I give wonderful service for wonderful pay


Disclaimer: The information presented in this email is for informational purposes only. No warranties or representations are made as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this email. Please visit our site for the latest details.