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10 Good Reasons
Why You Should Be an
eCosway Business Owner

You'll have a Hassle-Free Business With a Firm Foundation
Everyone dreams of being their own boss, having a successful business and all the free time they want. Unfortunately, starting a business generally requires a lot of money and a lot of effort. You need a good idea and the ability and money to make it happen. You have to deal with employees, regulations, tax and legal issues, accounting, overhead, advertising and product sourcing, pricing and distribution. To top it off, you have to master marketing, sales and customer service.

Even if you manage to find a formula that works and get a business off the ground, you could still end up with frustration, financial strain, stress, health problems and sleepless nights thanks to your "successful" venture.

eCommerce isn't necessarily easier. In fact, in many ways it's actually more difficult to start a successful online business. Most people drastically underestimate the cost of building an effective web site and then drastically overestimate how many people will visit it. With millions of existing websites competing for eyeballs and pocketbooks, creating a successful business model for the Internet is quite challenging.

Now, thanks to eCosway's Business Ownership Support System (B.O.S.S.) you can be in business for yourself, but not by yourself. eCosway has already done all the hard work. We've built an Online Global Shopping Mall and created Mutual Marketing™ that will allow you to easily and profitably participate in global e-commerce. We've researched state-of-the art technology. We've purchased the infrastructure. We've laid the foundation. We've done all the negotiating. We've even handled the really tricky issues like international shipping and credit card security. We've paid the price and taken all the risks. We give you all the training and support you'll need. Everything is in place. We've built the perfect business vehicle - all you need to do is to drive it and you can have a successful business and all the free time you need to enjoy the money you make!

You'll be Able to GO FOR IT, Without Letting Go

Your eCosway business doesn't require you to cut any lifelines. You don't have to risk your savings, jeopardize your job, drop your current deal, or change a good situation in order to be an eCosway Business Owner. We've designed our B.O.S.S. in such a way that if you follow the system, you can build a safe second income in only a few hours per week. Since those hours can be any time (day or night), you won't have to stop what you're currently doing to in order to build a steady stream of lifetime income. Plus, if you want or need to, you can do this business anonymously online without anyone even knowing that you're doing it.

You'll be In Front of a Trend, Backed by a Giant
Anyone who knows about business will tell you that it's important to predict trends so that you can stay in front of them rather than getting stuck behind them (where you're likely to go broke). The Internet is one of the biggest "trends" ever. In fact, it's bigger than a trend. It's bigger than a revolution. It's a global Tsunami and it's taking humanity by storm. There are over 420 million people already online and thousands more flock to the Internet each day. With its ability to bring interactive communication to computers, televisions, and hand-held devices and with its ability to inexpensively and instantaneously connect people around the world, the Internet has dramatically and irrevocably changed the world.

The Internet "trend" is still in its infancy. Finding a way to capitalize on it is the goal of every astute businessperson. Unfortunately, unless you have the money and luck necessary for investing in tech stocks; can supply goods, services or technical talent to the Internet industry; or have the ability and capital necessary to create a successful online enterprise, it's extremely difficult to participate profitably in e-commerce.

Fortunately there is a better way! You can partner with a rock-solid company with a powerful track record and brilliant business strategy. Using eCosway's B.O.S.S., you can earn a handsome income in e-commerce without needing to know the ins and outs of the Internet, and without taking any of the usual risks.

You'll Stand Out With a Really Outstanding Model
You'll be proud to be an eCosway Business Owner because our business model is customer-driven and built to last. If you (or someone you know) has ever tried an "income opportunity" that required you to make money off friends selling products with inflated prices…you'll love eCosway's product line and competitive pricing. If you (or someone you know), has ever invested a year or two working an "exciting program" only to have it shut down by regulators as a pyramid scheme… you'll feel very secure knowing that your eCosway business is in complete compliance with the strictest direct marketing and anti-pyramid statutes in every country.

eCosway is based on sound business principles and real market forces. It relies only on people's natural self-interest to work, not on hype and artificial excitement generated by "leaders." It's a win/win business model and you'll be proud to tell people about it.

You'll Get to Do It Your Way
The eCosway Online Prospecting System is turnkey yet completely customizable. Whether you know lots of people and love to socialize or you want to be alone in a cave with a computer…you can successfully use this system. Whether you want to find shoppers and Business Owners one at a time or you want to launch a full scale marketing campaign…you can successfully use this system. Whether you prefer to have everything laid out for you step-by-step or you like to improvise…you can successfully use this system. Whether you want to work this business full time, or you want to do it on your lunch hour… you can successfully use this system.

Plus, you'll have something to offer everyone! Whether your prospects are strangers or you know them personally; whether they are employed, self-employed or unemployed; whether they are open-minded or skeptical; whether they are interested in an extra income stream or satisfied with their current situation; whether they are skilled or unskilled; male or female, etc., eCosway has something to offer them and you'll have the means to make them that offer.

Whatever your style, preference, taste and ability, you will find exactly the tools you need to succeed. With eCosway, you get proven marketing expertise and personal options.

You'll Be Able to GO ALL OUT Without Going Out

The Internet brings the entire world to you. People find friends, jobs, doctors, pets, pen pals and even spouses online. Finding shoppers and Business Owners for your network is no problem.

You Don't Have to Get Dressed For Success. Of course, if you like getting dressed up and meeting people face to face, you can certainly do that to succeed with eCosway. But if you would rather sit at home in your pajamas and let your fingers do the talking, you can succeed in eCosway. Whether you are homely or outgoing, well dressed or running around in rags, you can still win friends and influence people electronically. We give you all the training and tools you need. Even if you've never been a "people person" before, you can successfully do this business!

You Can Achieve Big Gain with Very Little Pain

In the old days of direct marketing, you had to endure a lot of rejection in order to make a lot of money, so the old saying, "no pain--no gain" was really true. Since very few people were willing to be subjected to such torture, very few people succeeded in business. Now, thanks to eCosway and the Internet, personal rejection is a thing of the past! You can do e-commerce without facing any rejection. There is no face-to-face selling necessary with eCosway. All of your marketing efforts can be done online and all of the products are explained on the website.

This gives you the best of both worlds! You talk personally to people who are receptive and only electronically approach people who are less receptive. In fact, if you use some of the online marketing strategies we'll teach you, you can set up your business in such a way that you won't even have to know about a prospect unless he or she expresses positive interest in what you have to offer! No pain. Big Gain!

You'll Have Global Reach Without Losing Personal Touch
With eCosway you can bring "strangers" from all over the world, and/or you can "team" with your friends and family to build your network. If you want to stay home…you can. If you want to meet people at local restaurants or coffee shops…you can. If you want to set up an office and meet high-powered people in business suits…you can. If you want to travel to exotic places and explore other countries… you can. With eCosway, you have limitless global reach with as much personal touch as you like. You're in complete control. You can spend your time doing things you choose, your way, with people you've chosen, in places you want to be.

You'll be Way Ahead And We'll be Behind You
If you've ever operated on a fixed monthly budget, you know how easy it is for "out-go" to exceed "in-come." An emergency expense or an unexpected purchase can throw you off for months! With eCosway, you can really get ahead of your budget by building a sustainable extra stream of income. You can use your eCosway Business to augment your current income or even to replace your income if you prefer. A well-built eCosway business can give you financial freedom today, support the retirement lifestyle of your dreams and eventually be passed on to your heirs. eCosway is the best company to build your future with because it is financially solid and has an extremely sustainable business model. eCosway's parent companies have proven track records in all related industries. The bottom line is that, we've been around for years and we will be here for years to come.

You'll Be Able to Step Out of The Rat Race…Into The Winner's Circle
All over the world, stress is accelerating and stress-related illnesses are increasing. In fact, in many developed countries, the problem has become epidemic. Many people are getting tired of their frenzied, competitive lifestyles and are opting to join a new trend called, "voluntary simplicity" - where they opt out of the "rat race" and find simpler, more fulfilling lives in order to lower stress and increase peace, tranquility and happiness. Unfortunately, this usually means giving up income in order to experience greater freedom. It's true that "money can't buy happiness," but it's also true that poverty can certainly create a lot of unhappiness.

As an eCosway Business Owner, you can have the best of both worlds. You can choose a simple and fulfilling lifestyle that brings you happiness without choosing the poverty that will bring you unhappiness! eCosway offers you the opportunity to earn a huge income while living the life you want and experiencing all the happiness you deserve!

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