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Make Money on the Internet!

What is it? The Internet is a term used to describe the fact that hundreds of thousands of computers all over the world can be connected together and can transmit data to one another. The World Wide Web is a term used to describe the hyper-linked connection of content on millions of web sites.

What's the Big Deal? The Internet is changing everything! It changes the way we communicate; who we can communicate with; the way we do business; the way we think; and the speed at which we do almost everything. Anyone with access to the Internet can participate in a global revolution.

How Big is It? In just seven years, the Internet has zoomed from nowhere to hundreds of millions of users worldwide. The global e-commerce market is expected to reach $1.2 trillion by 2001.

Why Should I Care? E-commerce offers what is probably the hottest opportunity on earth right now. Fortunes are being made at an unprecedented rate. Why not get in on the action?

What about all the Dot Com Failures? Good Question! There have certainly been a lot of them lately, but make no mistake about it. While many online enterprises have failed, many others are succeeding brilliantly. The successful internet entrepreneurs are probably laughing all the way to the bank right now as people blame the Internet. Success in business depends on having sound strategies and profitable practices. The Internet can't change that.

Companies fail on the Internet because they can't provide enough value to enough customers and make a profit. With literally millions of web sites out there the competition for getting and keeping customers is fierce.

eCosway has solved the typical problems of e-commerce with a brilliant business model and a Mutual Marketing™ Program which features two unique methods of driving traffic and keeping loyal customers.

  • A Shopper Rewards Program - which gives shoppers Value Points for referrals to get great discounts on purchases and to participate in the Amazing $1 Auction.

  • A Business Ownership Support System - which offers individuals the opportunity to be in business for themselves by operating a "branch" of the eCosway mall.

With eCosway, everyone wins. Shoppers get great products and exciting deals, Suppliers get loyal customers and Business Owners get to earn a fantastic income without the typical problems that come with running a business.

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