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eCosway's Profit Plan
- Retail Profit
- Branch Override Profit
- Branch Performance
- Extra Branch Incentive
Sample 1 Month Profit
The Profit Chart
The Incentive Chart
- Branch Performance
- Extra Branch Incentive
Leveraged Growth
- Income from
  Leveraged Growth
Initial Sale Offer (ISO)
- ISO+Leveraged
- Without ISO
- Benefits from ISO
e Max Your Profit
Activity Requirements
(Qualification Units)

Please note that there is a limit to the eV that can be kept in eV Reserve. eV exceeding that amount will go into profit calculation even when eV Reserve is activated (On). Please check with your nearest sales center or call Customer Service for details.

Maximizing Your Profits

eV Reserve
eV Reserve is optional. You can activate or de-activate eV Reserve each month from the "My Profile" section of your Online Office. You can decide which month you want to use the eV you have stored in reserve, and on which branch you want to place it. This allows you to receive the highest possible payout from your sales volume. No other company offers you this feature.

When eV Reserve is activated (On) :

* Up to 15eV from each invoice goes immediately into the current month's profit calculation. Any eV over 15 from a single invoice goes into your eV reserve.

Important: A maximum of 100eV can be kept in eV Reserve at any one time. eV exceeding that amount will go into profit calculation even when eV Reserve is activated (On).

eV generated from these purchases will NOT be placed in eV Reserve but will be used for profit calculation, even if your selected eV Reserve option is "ON":
  • Purchases using CVPs
  • Purchases using VPs
  • Purchases made at offline centres
*On the 10th of each month, up to 15eV is taken from your reserve and placed into calculation for the current month

When eV Reserve is de-activated (Off) :

* All eV generated will immediately go into profit calculation. No eV will go into reserve as long as the eV reserve feature is de-activated.

* If you have any eV in reserve (from a previous month) up to 15eV will still be taken out on the 10th of each month and placed into the current month's calculation. However, if there is no eV in your reserve, no eV will be taken on the 10th. (In other words, the auto-application feature will not create a negative amount in your eV reserve.)

Auto Qualification
On the 10th of each month, the system will automatically take up to 15 eV from the reserve of each Business Owner and put it into calculation for the current month. This ensures that every owner who has sufficient eV in Reserve will automatically meet the qualification to earn Retail Profit and Branch Override for that month. So if you or your Shoppers chalk up a lot of eV, you won't have to worry about qualifying every month!

If you do not wish the system to apply the 15eV for your auto-qualification, but instead want this 15eV to be added to your previous month's profit calculation, you should use the eApply feature between the 6th and the 9th of the month.

Go to the previous month's Business Status Report in your Online Office, and click on eApply. Then enter the amount of eV you wish to put into calculation from your eV Reserve. When you use eApply, (unlike eMax-- see below), you can only place eV on your personal branch.

Using eMax to Maximize Your Profits
eCosway's eMax feature allows you to place any eVolume you have in reserve into calculation on any of your branches. This allows you to earn the maximum profit possible.

Any eV you don't use in a month, will remain in reserve for future months.

Here's an example of what can happen with eMax:

In this example, by adding 20 eV from reserve, you gain in two ways:

  • 20eV increases your total eV to 10,000 which increases your profit percentage from 22% to 23% giving you additional $104.40 in Retail and Branch Override Profits.

  • 20eV increases your Performance Incentive on A from $125 to $150.

By applying just 20eV from reserve you increased your profit for the month by $129.40!

In summary, eCosway gives you total flexibility to manage the "excess" eV you generate in a month. You can eApply it all, place it on any branch to maximize your profits, or simply keep it in reserve to qualify automatically for profits in future months.

Your profits are paid monthly. The month officially closes at midnight (server time) on the last day of each month.

Here's an example:

Online and offline sales from January are totaled between the 1st and the 5th of February, and the figures are posted to your Online Office on February 6th.

From February 6th to the 9th, you can place eV in Reserve into the calculation of your January profits (using the eApply feature).

On the 10th, 15eV will be automatically applied from your Reserve to qualify you for February. If you have less than 15eV in Reserve, then all will be applied. Once auto-applied, eV cannot be retrieved for use in January.

Between the 11th and 19th of February, your January sales will be adjusted for any cancellations or merchandise returns, and the final status will be posted to your Online Office on February 20th.

From February 20th to the 27th, you can use any eV you still have in Reserve to eMax your profits. Your final Income Statement will be posted to your Online Office 3 days after the close of the eMax period.

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