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Recognized as one of the most sophisticated circuits in the world, the 5.5 km Sepang Circuit offers lightning fast straights and heart-stopping corners that induce awesome overtaking maneuvers and non-stop high speed action. A complex series of uphill and downhill turns are worked into the natural topography of the track site.

Together, they make for a Circuit that pushes the performance of both vehicle and driver to the limit. The track was voted Most Challenging by F1 drivers in 1999 and boasts varied curve types that allow speeding between 90 and 310 km/hour. It includes two long straights of 0.9 km and is the world's first motor racing circuit to be equipped with electronic marshall posts.

Malaysia is one of the most pleasant, hassle-free countries to visit in Southeast Asia. Several decades of sustained economic growth and political stability have made it one of the most buoyant and wealthy countries in the region. Malaysia has moved towards a pluralist culture based on a vibrant and interesting fusion of Malay, Chinese, Indian and indigenous cultures and customs.

Facts About Malaysia
Full country name: Federation of Malaysia
Area: 329,750 sq km (204,445 sq mi)
Population: 25.3 million
Capital city: Kuala Lumpur (pop 1.2 million)
People: 50% Malay, 33% Chinese, 9% Indian, plus indigenous tribes such as Orang Asli and Iban
Language: Bahasa Malaysia, English, Chinese dialects, Tamil, indigenous dialects
Religion: 52% Muslim, 17% Buddhist, 12% Taoist, 8% Christian, 8% Hindu, 2% tribal
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Head of state: Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Syed Putra Jamalullail
Prime Minister: Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
GDP: RM392.012 billion
GDP Growth Rate: 5.2%
GNI : RM359.259 billion
Inflation: Less than 2%
Major products/industries: Rubber, Palm Oil and Palm Oil-Based Products, Crude Petroleum, Liquified Natural Gas, Timber, Electrical and Electronic Products, Articles of Apparel and Clothing Accessories
Major trading partners: Singapore, Japan, USA
Source : Central Bank of Malaysia and Malaysia Department of Statistics

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