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Affectionately referred to as KL, Kuala Lumpur is a delightful juxtaposition of old and new. Traditional Moorish buildings stand among gleaming state-of-the-art skyscrapers. And several pockets of lush greenery create peaceful oases amid the city hustle and bustle.

The largest and most dynamic of all Malaysian cities, KL is also home of the tallest building in the world and the tallest observation tower in Southeast Asia. But amidst the spectacular structures, the soul of KL is quintessentially Malaysian - with multi-faceted cultures, sumptuous cuisine, and smiling faces at every turn.

Clean and beautiful, with tree-lined streets, parks and public flower gardens, Kuala Lumpur transforms into a veritable wonderland of lights at night, earning its name 'Garden City of Lights'.

For centuries, Malaysia has enticed visitors from afar. A succession of colonists, including the Portugese, Dutch and British, ventured forth to the fabled Spice Islands of the East as early as the 15th century. Later, traders from India and China were attracted by new-found treasures. They brought their respective cultures with them and assimilated harmoniously with the indigenous people.

Today with a population of over 23 million, Malaysia is a unique blend of different races. They comprise mainly of Malays, Chinese, Indians and 55 other ethnic groups such as Ibans, Dayaks, Kadazans and Dusuns.

The different ethnic groups make for a wealth of colorful customs and traditions. The main religious festivities are Hari Raya Puasa (Aidilfitri) and Hari Raya Haji (Aidiladha) for Muslims, Chinese New Year and Lantern Festival for the Chinese, Thaipusam (Day of Penance observed by Hindus) and Deepavali (Festival of Lights) for Indians, and Wesak Day for Buddhists. Christmas is celebrated by Christians as well as non-Christians.




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