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Glossary of Terms

Activity Requirement - The minimum shopping activity required monthly in a Business Owner's personal branch to earn a profit or incentive.

Access Fee - An annual fee a Business Owner pays for access to the eCosway Shopping Mall, B.O.S.S. and other benefits.

B.O.S.S. - The Business Ownership Support System, accessible only to registered Business Owners of eCosway.

Branch - If you register to become a Business Owner, you will have a "branch" of the eCosway system. When you introduce another Business Owner to eCosway, he or she will also have his or her "branch", which is linked to yours.

Branch Network - A Business Owner can introduce other Business Owners to set up branches linked to his or her branch. These new branches can bring in other branches too, and so on. All the resulting branches, no matter how many generations of referrals occur, together form a Business Owner's "Network".

Branch Override - A %-based profit that a Business Owner earns from his or her Branch Network.

Branch, Personal - See Personal Branch.

Branch Performance Incentive - An e$-amount that a Business Owner receives for each of his or her branches (including his or her personal branch) except for the highest eV branch.

Business Network - The sum total of a Business Owner's Branch Network, and his or her Personal Branch.

Business Owner - An individual or business entity who has registered and paid the initial fee required to "acquire" a branch of the eCosway mall, access to B.O.S.S., and the right to participate in the Profit Plan.

eAccount - A virtual account into which a Business Owner's monthly profits are paid as directed by him or her.

eV (eVolume) - The commissionable value of a sale.

Extra Incentive - An e$-amount incentive a Business Owner receives based on the volume of each of his or her BO branches (including his or her Personal Sales) that exceeds 500 eV each month (except the highest eV Branch which serves as the qualifying branch for this incentive).

Online Office - A special area in the eCosway website, where a Business Owner can check on his network status, business status, etc., This area is only accessible with a Business Owner's password. (Note: A shopper should access his or her "Shopper Account".)

Personal Branch - If you register to become a Business Owner, you have a "branch" of the eCosway system. You, and your network of shoppers, purchase from your personal branch.

Profit Plan - A document detailing the various types of profits that Business Owners receive from eCosway, and the requirements to earn them. See Profit Plan.

QU Reserve - A reserve pool where a Business Owner's QUs are accumulated on purchases and deducted when needed for profit payout.

QU (Qualification Unit) - A unit that quantifies a certain amount of eCosway sales. A certain number of QUs is required each month for a Business Owner to earn profits according to the eCosway Profit Plan. Click here for details.

Registration Fee - A one-time fee that you pay to become an eCosway Business Owner. (See also Access Fee)

Refund eAccount - An account where refunds on return on merchandise are kept, so you can use them for your next purchases.

Retail Profit - The profit a Business Owner earns from the eVolume of his personal branch, the percentage is determined from the profit chart. See Profit Plan.

Return Merchandise Number - A reference number you need to return merchandise. See Return Procedures.

Server Time - The official time and date (Malaysian time, or GMT +8 hours) used by eCosway in all deadline-related events, like the closing of sales for a month.

- (or Registered Shopper). An individual who purchases from the website and participates in the Shopper Rewards Program.

Shopper Account - A special area in the eCosway website, where a Shopper can check on his shopper network status, value points, etc. This area is only accessible with a Shopper's password. (Note: A Business Owner should access his "Online Office".)

Shopper ID - A shopper is given an ID when he or she first buys from the eCosway mall. The ID allows shoppers direct access to the shopping mall and to his or her Shopper Account. It also allows eCosway to award points to the shopper as part of our Shopper Rewards Programme.

Shopper Network - A Business Owner can bring in shoppers to buy in his personal branch. The resulting network is the Shopper Network of the Business Owner. Purchases of the shoppers go to the Business Owner's personal branch.

Shopper or Purchase Rewards Program - A special program to encourage shopper loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals to the eCosway shopping mall. Click here for details.

- The sending of unsolicited e-mail, usually in bulk, to solicit for business or earning. eCosway has a very strict Advertising & Anti-Spam Policies.

Value Points - What shoppers and Business Owners get when they buy, and when people they refer buy products from To see how Value Points are awarded, and how they can be used, see the Shopper Rewards Program.

Visitor - A person invited by a Business Owner or a registered Shopper to visit the eCosway website using the latter's ID. Until a Visitor purchases a product (and becomes a registered shopper) or registers as a Business Owner, he or she can continue to visit using the introducer's ID.

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