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Shop & Save
Our Shopper Rewards Program gives you Value Points that can be used to get deep discounts on hundreds of popular items or to participate in our Amazing $1 Auction where you can get things like Rolex Watches and other exciting items for just ONE DOLLAR!
Click here to learn about Shopper Rewards

Shop & Earn
Becoming an eCosway “Business Owner” gives you the opportunity to earn an income by operating a branch of eCosway and creating a referral network. You can earn money not only from the sales and purchases you make personally, but also from the sales and purchases made by the people you refer and the people they refer, and the people they refer and so on… The bigger your referral network grows, the more money you make. The potential is literally unlimited!

Click here to find out about becoming an eCosway Business Owner

Differences Between Shoppers and Business Owners
  Shopper Business Owner
Fees None $60 one time registration and 1st year annual access fee
Value Points From your own purchases and the purchases of shoppers in your network. From your own purchases.
Introducing Others You can only refer other Shoppers You can refer Shoppers and other Business Owners
Earning Money You cannot earn money until you become a Business Owner You can earn money from the sales in your network according eCosway’s 5-star profit plan
Extra Discount Offer (EDO) No Yes, you get 30% off of any Super Selection products purchased in your first 12 months including the month you joined (up to a maximum $100 worth of discounts).
Please note that eV awarded for this EDO purchase is approximately half the eV stated.
Business Ownership Support System
You will only be able to track your own orders and Value Points when you log in You will have an online office where you can access all of the details of what's happening in your business. You will also have full access to extensive training & resource and customizable prospecting tools.
Duration You remain in the system as long as you make one purchase every 6 months. 1 year from date of registration. If you choose the "auto-renew" option, the annual access renewal fee can be automatically taken out of your eAccount so you don't have to remember to renew.


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